Yes, I'm late with my weekly game bash again, but you guys hardly seem to care, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Today, though, I found another reason to want a powerful graphics card.Portal TFV, or "The Flash Version," was a free (but not quite as awesome) version of Portal for us casual gamers with poor systems. It was a prime example of what could be done in Flash, and it still ranks high on my list of memorable Flash games, but I really want to play the real Portal.
Now, they're just teasing me, because I've grown addictive to the theme song, *This was a trial. I'm writing a note here, huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction,* and I've seen some awesome-looking screenshots of a complete conversion of TFV to the real Portal.
This story has been officially abandoned. I have not worked on it in a
year, and I have lost interest in the concept. I may still use some of my
character ...
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